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The impact

2023 progress report

We are pleased to report on the progress towards the goal we established in 2020: Helping save one million more lives. Every year. By 2030. And to do so in a sustainable way.

The programs described in the report make us believe our ambitious goal is well in the way to being achieved.

We thank our employees and partners for their valued contributions and look forward to the continued journey together towards 2030.

2023 Impact and Sustainability report

The 2030 goal

To help save one million more lives, every year, by 2030

The One Million Lives goal is described in a book by Nina Tjomsland and Ken Morallee launched in 2020, outlining Laerdal’s history and strategy to reach the ambitious goal by 2030.

Nina is a former journalist and author of several books including three on Laerdal, and Ken was an employee of Laerdal for 28 years and joined the Laerdal Medical Board of Directors on his retirement at the end of 2011. The parts relating to strategy are being regularly updated on this website by Laerdal personnel.

Read the book as a PDF

Sustainability matters

Our mission is helping save lives. It’s who we are and what we do every day.

But we also acknowledge the significance of sustainability within our operations. We carefully track our products and services from the supply chain onward to identify impactful changes for better practices. Sustainability also means valuing people, promoting equity, and creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Our new Sustainability Report highlights our progress towards 2030 goals, including reducing carbon emissions, adopting circular models, and achieving social objectives.

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More stories

Gloria & Gladys' story
When the second twin, Gladys, was born blue and lifeless, a few minutes of bag-mask resuscitation revived her, and now both twins are doing well, bringing joy to their mother Eliminiata.
Ange Marie's story
Ange Marie gave birth to a healthy baby girl in Rwanda but began to bleed heavily afterward. Thanks to her midwife Gentile's training in Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth, Ange Marie's life was saved, and she is now a healthy mother caring for her baby girl.
Michael's story
For over 30 years, Michael trained colleagues in CPR at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In April 2017, he suffered a cardiac arrest at work, but thanks to his colleagues' quick response with CPR and a defibrillator, he recovered fully and returned to work after two months of rehab.
Bedika's story
When baby Aaresh was born not breathing, new midwife Bedika, despite being alone and the hospital being understaffed, relied on her practiced resuscitation skills and successfully revived him after just a few minutes.
Imran's story
Imran Badin, a Royal Mail employee, saved his colleague's life with CPR and a defibrillator after a cardiac arrest, leading to a heartwarming reunion months later during a chance encounter.
Meskerem's story
On August 15, 2022, baby Meskerem was born weighing only 1100 grams. Abebe Haile, guided by healthcare workers, used Kangaroo Mother Care to keep her warm and fed, helping her survive and thrive.